Early suggestions for such a newspaper include...
- Bringing a genuinely independent viewpoint on major events happening within our community
- Providing a special focus on educational issues and employment creation
- Allowing all candidates in political contests to freely express their opinion on an equal basis
- Encouraging community groups and not-for-profit organisations to submit newsworthy items, meeting notes and date-claimers
- Actively pursuing positive, wholesome news items
- Being pro-family, pro-good values, rather than constantly promoting "alternative" lifestyles,
- And not competing with the existing printed media as a source for turf guides, horoscope and Dear Aunty trash, and adults-only dating and related advertising.
Any further ideas or thoughts?
1 comment:
Bring it on I say. While there are several really relvant online blogs up and running the Fraser Coast desperately needs a genuine alternative to "that" daily.
The Indy doesn't quite cut it - where is the news? Do true journalists still exist and could someone harness an adequate team to do the concept justice? I certainly hope so!
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